Love Hina is an anime and manga series authored by Ken Akamatsu. The story takes place in the Kanagawa Prefecture, and centers on 19-year old Keitaro Urashima, a young man desperately trying to be accepted into the prestigious Tokyo University in order to fulfill a childhood promise he made with a girl he now regards as the girl of his life. His obsessive pursuit of this dream is one of the few shining spots of optimism in his otherwise unlucky life. He becomes manager of the Hinata House (???, Hinata So-?, also known as Hinata Apartments), property of his family and now an all-girls' dormitory.
Genre: | Adventure |
Release Month: | 11 |
Release Year: | 2000 |
Developer: | KCET |
Publisher: | Konami |
Serial: | SLPM-86677 |
Size: | 0 |
CRC32: | 0 |